About Me

I wrote this blog so that I might be able to give someone some hope that they may be looking for. We all look for some type of hope in our lives every day.

Friday, May 25, 2007

What does it hurt?

Hi everyone, I hope this don't offend anyone but I feel the need to say this. So here it is.
What does it hurt to believe in God, he represents all good. Wouldn't it be better to be safe and be able to go to heaven than to be sorry and have to spend eternity in hell.
If everyone believed in God and did what his word tells us we need to do there would be peace, love, we would help one another, there would be no killing, no sadness, no hurt; it all sounds good to me. I really don't see how that would hurt any of us individually or as a nation. I don't think there would be no where near the problems we have now, in the world, if any problems at all. There would be no more poor people because the rich would give generously to those less fortunate, there would be no hunger because everyone would help feed those that are in need, no killings because there would be no hate.
Now to me that would be great. To be able to go about your day and not have any worries. Or to be hurting because a child is out there homeless, hungry or what ever it might be, or someones adult son or daughter is out there alone with no one to care about them or they have to die alone because they have no family out there that is still alive. If we all would just believe that there IS a God we could be there for each other!!